Quainton Street, London, NW10 0BG

020 8450 3631


We live to love, learn, respect and follow Jesus who says, “Love one another as I have loved you”

Breakfast Club and Kidzone

Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am in the morning and runs till 8.30am. We ask that parents pay for breakfast club on ParentPay £3.00 per session. This entitles your child to a choice of cereal, drinks, fruit and toast. They can have as much or as little as they want.

Bagel Breakfast We currently run a free Bagel Breakfast as part of the Magic Breakfast National scheme. This runs from 8.15am to 8.30am. The children are offered a variety of cereals and warm bagels. This is run by Mrs Ilira Heath.  

Kidzone club is an after school club run to help working parents, and those parents who wish their children to have extended activities.  It is organised by Mrs Ilira Heath Senco/Extended Schools Co-ordinator. It is run by Mrs Martina Curry, Miss Christina O'Shea, Mrs Beata Migala and Mrs Valentina Doda.  The Club runs from 3.15pm to 5.45pm, and the children can stay for 1 hour or the full 2.5  hours. The children will get refreshments. 

They have lots of fun activities ranging from art to board games and activities on the iPad. Once they have their snack, the children complete homework tasks set by their class teacher. As well as that, the children have lots of fun relaxing with their friends and the younger members of the club. The children look after one another and interact very well.
Contact the school office for a paper copy of the Kidzone pack or click on the links below to print it out if you have access to a printer.

Welcome Letter

Parents' Handbook

Registration Form

Kidzone Booking Slip

Breakfast Club Booking Slip