These documents are available (electronically or in hard copy) on request from the school.
A list of Policies can be found on the School Policies page
Equality Objectives Statement
St Margaret Clitherow Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community.
To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond the school
- To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities
- To ensure that pupils, parents and staff understand an accurate definition of bullying and ensure that school processes and procedures are effective in preventing it and tackling it should any form of bullying occur
- Ensure that the difference between the attainment and progress of boys and girls in all our classes is diminished
- To ensure that all pupils are given similar opportunities with regards to after-school clubs and activities
- To allow equal access to information for all parents
- To ensure that our curriculum provision for relationships and sex education matches the requirements from the newly updated Religious Education curriculum
- To ensure the school environment is accessible as possible to all pupils, staff and visitors.
Equal Opportunities
The school holds the fundamental belief that every individual, whatever their colour, culture, gender or ability, should have equal access to the opportunities available in school.
We believe in creating an atmosphere where each member feels equally valued and secure and any behaviour which devalues any child for reasons of colour, culture, gender or ability, will create unhappiness and insecurity and will deny this equal access. Such behaviour is therefore unacceptable in this school.
On 5 April 2011, the public sector equality duty (the equality duty) came into force. The equality duty was created under the Equality Act 2010. The school has due regard of the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
These are sometimes referred to as the three aims or arms of the general equality duty. The Act explains that having due regard for advancing equality involves:
- Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
- Taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people.
- Encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
Promoting British Values at St Margaret Clitherow Primary School
At St Margaret Clitherow Primary School we uphold and teach pupils about the British Values as directed under new Ofsted guidance, September 2014 ‘ensure that they and the school promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles; and support and help, through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain’.
We value the importance of and support the current Ofsted guidance. As educators we recognise we have a duty to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and to keep them safe.
The British values are:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Democracy is a central value within the school. Pupils help to shape our school by having their voices heard in class, through our School Council and Pupil questionnaires. Children are encouraged to debate, which promotes critical thinking, effective communication, independent research and teamwork: all vital qualities to ensure that they are equipped to fulfil their responsibilities as citizens of a democracy. Pupils grow to appreciate how lucky they are living in a democratic society. All adults listen to the views of the pupils and value their opinions. Pupils are given opportunities wherever possible to take responsibility and have a leading role within the school for instance through office duty and prefect roles.
The Rule of Law
Children are taught the importance of laws and rules; whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country. These are consistently reinforced through our School Rules, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. We have a clear positive behaviour policy and children are very clear on expectations. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws: that they govern and protect them, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Pupils are shown how they can contribute to the well-being of those in the locality and beyond, through many events such as supporting charities, local visits and singing in church and at local care homes. Local police are regular visitors to the school in order to reinforce the expectations of being part of a community. We believe in giving pupils responsibility to support each other in this area, for example through our “Red Hats” peer mentoring scheme.
Individual Liberty
Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices, within a safe and supportive environment. Developing their self esteem and self-confidence is very important. Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to use these rights to best effect. All pupils are keen to support charities, whether local, national or global. They are taught consideration for others through our Religious Education curriculum and PSHE lessons in particular. E-safety teaching enables them to make choices in a safe manner. At St Margaret Clitherow we pride ourselves on treating each child as an individual and seek to provide opportunities for pupils to become positive and emotionally resilient with the knowledge and confidence to stand by their own convictions, whilst also respecting others.
Mutual Respect & Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Our school’s ethos and behaviour policy are based on Gospel values, with the important commandment being, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’. Assemblies constantly promote respect for others and the importance of good manners and these attributes are praised and encouraged at every opportunity. All pupils are taught the importance of self-respect, honest and open communication with others and fair play. Pupils work collaboratively and value others’ opinions. Our mission statement of “Love, learn, respect” permeates through all we do and children know the importance of this key value of respect.
As a Catholic worshipping community, pupils are fully aware that they live in a culturally diverse society. This is achieved through our Religious Education curriculum and the spiritual life of the school. Assemblies and class work promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge and enhance learning within assemblies and in class and we pride ourselves on utilising the excellent resource of our own varied staff members to share their personal experience and beliefs. We have dedicated focus weeks on “Other Faiths” and planned visits to places of worship as well as embracing opportunities throughout RE, RSE and PSHE lessons to promote understanding and tolerance wherever possible. We are proud of our multicultural community and celebrate this through “International Evening” and our themed weeks such as “Celebrating Difference”. We ensure that through our school vision, ethos, agreed rules, curriculum and teaching we promote respect and tolerance for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles.