Quainton Street, London, NW10 0BG

020 8450 3631


We live to love, learn, respect and follow Jesus who says, “Love one another as I have loved you”

 Chartwells Medical Diet Parent Introduction Letter v1 .pdfDownload
 CHECKED SS23 VEGAN SUITABLE 08.08.23.pdfDownload
 Medical Diet Evidence Support Form v1 (3).pdfDownload
 Medical Diet Request Form v1 (1) (7).pdfDownload
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School Meals

We offer all children a hot school meal at lunchtimes.  The meals are cooked on our school site using fresh ingredients by cooks from the school catering company, Chartwells. We recognise the importance of a healthy, balanced diet as central to a healthy lifestyle and fundamental to a child’s concentration, energy levels and self-image.  By teaching healthy eating skills, we aim to contribute greatly to promoting family health and the social pleasure and interaction which this fosters.  We wish children to understand food from growth to cooking, serving and eating.

We recognise the importance of a healthy, balanced diet as central to a healthy lifestyle and fundamental to a child’s concentration, energy levels and self-image.  By teaching healthy eating skills, we aim to contribute greatly to promoting family health and the social pleasure and interaction which this fosters.  We wish children to understand food from growth to cooking, serving and eating.


  • To work with the school caterers, governors, staff, children, parents and carers to monitor school lunches and encourage children to eat a selection of healthy food,
  • To encourage children to be adventurous with fresh fruit, vegetables and new tastes for instance by offering them food from the salad bar and putting hot vegetables on plates, also by offering fruit at break time whenever possible,
  • To monitor the percentage of pupils eating fruit and vegetables each day at school from time to time,
  • To increase the social pleasure of meals by letting children sit with friends,
  • To increase knowledge of the value and function of different types of food through lessons in all classes and through food preparation and cooking generally
  • To encourage children to drink lots of water throughout the day,
  • To make children aware of hygiene issues and to wash hands before meals and food preparation,
  • To ban sweets in packed lunches time as well as in the playground before and after school,
  • To support initiatives like Healthy Living Week to raise awareness of these issues and to continue the dialogue with parents on healthy eating with the support of school caterers,
  • To be a healthy school

Allergies, Cultural Sensitivities and Personal Preferences

  • All teaching staff have a list of children’s medical conditions and food allergies/intolerances and the latter are kept in a folder for the catering staff to access.
  • Vegetarian and vegan choices are available at lunchtime as part of the school meal service.
  • Nuts and nut products are not allowed in school or in packed lunches.


From September 2023 for one academic year, all children in London primary schools are entitled to a free two-course meal (main course and dessert) as part of the Mayor of London's Universal Free School Meals Programme. 

Information about school meals for your child will be sent out via the Jotter each term and is available from the school office.  

If your child has special dietary requirements, please contact Mrs Robinson via the school office. Please make sure that your child's records regarding his/her dietary requirements are updates so that we can pass this information to our catering staff.

Morning ‘Snack’

Children in Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fruit or vegetable at morning break-time.  Key Stage 2 children may bring their own piece of fruit or healthy fruit or vegetable snack.

Children are not allowed sweets, chocolate or crisps as a morning snack.


Packed Lunch

If you would prefer your child to have a packed lunch whilst in school then please ensure all lunchboxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's full name and class.

Below we have attached a document for some healthy lunchbox ideas.  Please be aware we operate on a no nut policy. 

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

Pick and Mix

Healthier Lunch Box recipes

Free School Meals information

In certain circumstances it may be possible for parents to receive free school meals for their child(ren).

Your child may be entitled to receive free school meals if you are entitled to receive one or more of the following:

  • Universal credit (provided you have a net income of £7400 or less)
  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseekers’ allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less

If you think that you may be eligible to qualify for free school meals please do not hesitate to contact a member of the school office team.

Free School Meals vs Universal Free School Meals information...

Please note: Under the Government's 'Universal Free School Meals' (UIFSM) initiative, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to claim a free school meal each day regardless of economic circumstances. 

However if you and/ or your partner fall into any of the above 'Free School Meal' categories, it is important that you speak to the school office to register this as the school may be able to access approximately £1,385 of extra funding per year for the school to spend in supporting your child to make the best possible progress and in helping you to provide experiences for your child such as extra curricular activities, musical instrument tuition and educational visits.

If you have any queries regarding applications for free school meals please speak to the school office, who will be more than happy to assist you with this.

Additional Funding & Free School Meals Application

Please complete this form if you are in receipt of the qualifying benefits even if your child does not wish to take up school meals. Thank you

Letter from the Mayor of London regarding Free school meals for 2023-2024


Please click here for the Autumn 2024/ Spring 2025 menu

Recipe cards from our school menu 

 Chartwells Schools - Butter Chicken.pdfDownload
 Chartwells Schools - Cheesy Bean Burrito.pdfDownload
 Chartwells Schools - Jam and Coconut Sponge.pdfDownload
 Chartwells Schools - Macaroni Cheese.pdfDownload
 Chartwells Schools - Orange Glazed Sticky Sponge Pudding.pdfDownload
 Chartwells Schools - West African Chicken Rice (Jollof Rice with Chicken).pdfDownload
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